Silver Star Classic Model Horse Show 2019
Date March 16th, 2019
Silver Star Classic Model Horse Show is a Non-For-Profit Event. It is NAMHSA APPROVED and is a NAN qualifying show! First and Second place equids as well as eligible fantasy equids qualify for the North American Nationals. The NAN ticket/card will be given to first and second placings, it is proof of the qualification and must be submitted when entering NAN. For more info go to www.NAMHSA.org
Show Hostess: Lauren Maultsby, junefairy99@bellsouth.net 404-771-8697
Co-Hostess: Andrea Maultsby, aemaultsby@hotmail.com 404-324-8894
Entry Fee: $55.00 for a Standard (2.5’ x 8’) Foot Table, $40.00 for a (2.5’ x 6’) Smaller Foot Table. No half tables are being offered at this show. Entry fee paid in full is required when reserving a table.
Show Hall opens at 8:00am for setup - Judging starts at 9:00am
Location: Carmel Lions Club, 141 East Main Street, Carmel, IN 46032
Nearby Accommodations: Hilton Garden Inn Indianapolis/Carmel, Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Indianapolis Carmel, Old Towne Carmel Bed and Breakfast
Entrants are able to unload and park their vehicles in the parking lot behind the building
​This show is an open show open to all collectors and all scale models
Entry deadline is February 1st, 2019. Late entries may be accepted with a late fee of $10, but are not guaranteed to be accepted.
There will be no refunds given after the entry deadline, unless the show is cancelled due to inclement weather.
Ring 1 OF Breyer/Other OF Plastic
Ring 2 OF Stone
Ring 3 Artist Resin
Ring 4 Custom
Ring 5 Performance
Tables: Each entrant will get either one full sized (2.5’x 8’) rectangular table and one chair or one full sized (2.5’x 6’) rectangular table and one chair, when corresponding entry fee is paid. A second table is available for an additional entry fee. Additional chairs can be requested at no additional fee. The number of entrants allowed is 24. After 24, entrants will be on a waitlist. Waitlist entrants will be contacted via email and have 48 hours to accept, if a table becomes available. There are 14, 8 foot tables available and 10, 6 foot tables available. No fee/entry sharing is allowed. Everyone must fully, personally own the models they are showing, unless they are proxy showing models.
Awards: Flat ribbons will be given out for 1st- 5th place and rosettes for section champions and section reserve champions. Division Overall Reserve and Grand Champions will receive trophies.
Results will be sent out via email to entrants after the show and posted on the website.
Proxy Showing: Proxy showers are welcome. Entrants having their horses proxy shown must submit an entry form and pay the proxy shower entry fee of $25. Entrants proxying for other entrants are not allowed extra table space.
Each horse should wear a “garage sale” type price tag around an ankle with the owner’s initials on one side and horse’s name on one side, and the horse’s breed and gender on the other. These prices tags can be found at Walmart and Staples in the stationary section. When the horse is placed on the table for judging the tag MUST display the side with the horse’s BREED AND GENDER. If the tag is flipped to the wrong side during judging, the horse will be disqualified from placing.
Please place your model in a line around the edges of the show table and be considerate of other showers; space reasonably close together and leave room where possible. If the table fills to capacity around the edges, you may place models in the center. But please be extremely careful not to bump other models. Never touch another shower’s model without permission.
If a shower chooses to lay their entry down on the table rather than place it in a standing position, they automatically give the judge the authority to pick up the horse for judging so that the other side of the model may be seen. The judge must be allowed to pick up the model for judging. The show holder(s) and judges are not responsible for any damage that may occur on the show table should a "tippy" horse fall over. Please lay horses down on a modestly sized piece of neutral colored fabric or bubble wrap to protect your model. Coins are permitted to use under hooves of tippy models but we still recommend laying the horse down.
To help keep this large show moving along please read your class lists and be ready to self-load the next class as each completed class is excused. We all seem to do this anyway but if there are new showers in the room, please help them learn the pace of the show tables.
PLEASE do not hover, take photographs, ask the judge questions, or approach any portion of the table while the judge is judging a class!
Judges may show in rings/divisions they are not judging but cannot judge horses they have previously owned within the last 6 months. Artist/Judge cannot judge pieces that have created (ex: pieces they have sculpted, customized and/or painted).
No pets or animals, no smoking, drugs, or alcohol allowed anywhere on the premises!​ Children are welcome but we recommend leaving children under the age of 5 at home.​
​Classes may be split, combined or canceled, depending upon the number of entries, at the discretion of the judge and/or show holder. Class limit is 3 horses per class. Extra Horses: limit of 3 horses per class may be added at the rate of $1.00 per horse - payable at the table, so maximum number of horses owned by entrant on the table during one class is 6 with a total of $3.00 owed. Class participation limits per horse: a model can compete in one (1) breed class only and one (1) collectability/workmanship class only - earning a maximum of 1 GREEN or 1 YELLOW NAN cards at this show. A horse may compete in as many performance classes as they’d like, so one horse may come home with multiple PINK NAN cards.
No horses sold by any of the judges within the past six months of the date of the show (09/16/2018-03/16/2019) can be shown in the ring where the judge who sold it to you is judging.
When filling out your entry form you will have the choice to purchase a lunch from us. Lunch fee is $10 per person. I will be cooking Italian food for lunch. There is a choice of spaghetti and linguini Alfredo with garlic bread and salad as sides. If you choose to order food with us please complete the Lunch section of the entry form with your order and add the fee to your total. We will provide soda and water as beverage options. Feel free to bring your own lunch as well. Please be aware there may be showers with food allergies so we suggest you avoid bringing nuts. There are several restaurants within walking distance but fast food requires a short drive. We will break around 12:00pm noon and break for 30 minutes. You may load up the next upcoming classes during lunch.
Documentation for your horses is welcomed and is required for collectability judging - please do not assume your judge knows every detail that could help your horse place in the ribbons. You do not need breed documentation for every horse. We recommend it only for horses with rare breeds or rare colors for their breed etc. OF Decorator and Fantasy horses can only receive collectability cards so they MUST HAVE documentation to get a ribbon and NAN card. As a courtesy to other showers, please limit the size of your documentation to a maximum of 8-1/2 x 11 inches. Common information included on collectability documentation is run information, artist name, customization, year produced, and other rarity factors. Workmanship classes evaluate the finish work of the model. Preparation work on the model before final painting, any re-sculpting work, and final painting are all considered. These models are never Original Finish models, although they may have begun as OF models. Decorator and Fantasy horses are the only horses eligible for collectability and workmanship cards at this show.
The definition of "OF" is Original Finish, this would be original finish from the factory. Restored and repaired models can be entered providing no more than 5% of the original body color has been restored. Models that have been etched, repainted, or resculpted cannot show in these rings. If you have an original finish horse that is not made by Breyer or Stone it will go in the Breyer/Other ring. If you have a BREYER brand porcelain it may show in the Breyer/Other ring, other brand porcelain and china horses are not eligible to show at this show.
Any and all other unrealistic color includes scenic series and horses with images such as Breyer's Halloween series, Christmas painted scenes or decor, etc.; or Stone's sunset series, snowflakes patterns, holiday themed horses, the leaf pattern Vermont, etc. Unrealistic Color Classes are available for Breyer and Stones in their respective Collectability sections. Unrealistic Color Classes are available for custom and artist resin pieces in their workmanship classes.
Fantasy equine eligibility is limited to equine-based "unicorns" and "pegasi" or a combination of the two in OF Collectability and CM/AR Workmanship classes only. Eligible animals will basically be equine in nature, with an equine head, neck, body, and legs. Goat-based or half-equine creatures will not be eligible. The head and body must remain equine in form. Hooves can be equine or cloven, tails can be of any type, and extra hair, scales, feathers, or other textures on the head and/or body are permitted, so long as the head and body are still equine in form. Bodies may be skeletal in nature as long as the skeleton portrayed is equine in form. Sculptures can be realistically colored or decorators. The base equine can be any equine -- horse, pony, donkey, mule, and zebra -- of any breed type, with no stated preference given to one type over the other.
Each setup MUST have a written description of the action being portrayed. If the event is a pattern class, your description should include a diagram of the part of the pattern you are portraying, where the horse is in the pattern, the gait and the direction of travel. Maximum size of any setup is 18”x30”. Jumping events and stock work can use 24”x30”. Multi-horse hitches may be given extra space at judge’s discretion. In Performance classes, please put a green marker next to your entry as soon as it's ready to be judged, or a red marker if it's NOT yet ready to be judged. This will save time for the Performance judge! Entrants will have a time limit of 10 minutes to setup up their entries for each performance class.
An artist resin is a casting of a unique work. Artist resins may be finished by the original artist or by another artist; may be altered from the original casting; may have sculpted or hair manes and tails. Regardless of who finished the model or how altered, if the underlying body is an artist resin, the model should be shown in the Artist Resin division. An original sculpture is a unique figure created by an artist from raw materials; although it may be based on an armature, no mass-produced model or artist resin, regardless of how altered, is used as a base or armature. An original sculpture may be the prototype for an artist resin run or may exist as a single, stand-alone work of art.
A custom model is a one-of-a-kind created by altering an OF (Original Finish) model, whether plastic, factory resin, china, or other material. Any alteration from original factory finish means a model is customized unless it falls under the rule of no more than 5% of the original body color that has been changed. If the model is an original finish resin run that has been resculpted and or repainted, it would show in the CUSTOM ring.
The horses in Collectability Classes will be judged on -
1) Rarity - Documentation about dates issued and limited run sizes will be required.
2) Condition (absence of rubs, scratches, flaws and discoloration)
3) Overall judge's impression.
Horses judged in the Breed classes will be judged on -
1) Breed type and correct, acceptable color for that breed or registry.
2) Biomechanics - the correctness of conformation, limb positions, and anatomy.
3) The excellence of workmanship to include seams, paint overspray and surface finishing and condition.
Documentation about unusual breeds, new breeds or unusual colors will be an asset.
Horses judged in the Workmanship classes will be judged on
1) Body finish work - seams & logo removed/smoothed, legs straightened, joints etc matching, all 4 feet on the floor, good surface prep.
2) Body finish work - manes & tails - does hair have flow pattern correct for movement
3) Paint finish work - quality of the paint job; are details, color and hair directions correct.
4) Biomechanics - the correctness of limb positions, soft tissue movement and anatomy.
5) Breed type and a correct "acceptable" color for that breed or registry.
6) Overall eye appeal/Judge's impression
1) Model is correctly and safely executing a maneuver that is appropriate (includes proper anatomy, biomechanics and suitability of model for event)
2) Tack fit and suitability/correctness for event
3) Accuracy of documentation, props and horse in relation to event presented
4) General condition of model, tack and props.
Tobacco or Alcohol use is NOT permitted anywhere on the grounds.
No pets, no running, and no touching other’s showers models.
Good sportsmanship is expected throughout the entire show. No obscene, hateful behavior whether verbal or physical. Violators will be required to leave the club without a refund. Staff decision is final.
If you bring children, you’re responsible for their behavior. If they break something – it is your responsibility to make good with the owner.
Judge’s decisions are final. No arguing with the judges.
No talking to judges while any class is being judged. Please keep the side talking to a low roar, as it may disturb the judging and other entrants.
Please no to refrain from swearing, as we may have children present.
If you have a concern or issue about anyone’s behavior at the show, or about the judging, PLEASE bring this to our attention so we can deal with it quickly and appropriately. Do NOT try to resolve the issue yourself!
Spectators and helpers are certainly welcome, as long as they abide by the rules
Questions: Email Lauren at junefairy99@bellsouth.net